photographer. artist. author. singer. songwriter. musician. teacher. student. humanitarian. visionary.



My self portraits over the past few years.


Today is pretty rough. My monster Nutrition assignment is overdue (it’s about 10 pages long, or, supposed to be) and it’s been relatively difficult for me to stay on top of my work. My focus has been seriously lacking since this car accident.

I’ve been playing this game called “Overclocked”. Intriguing. (I’ve been an avid adventure gamer for 20 + years.)

The protagonist is a specializing psychologist who has been assigned to a grungy Staten Island mental hospital. He’s simultaneously working on 5 inmates’ cases. They’re all catatonic with amnesia. As he uses hypnosis and various other techniques, he’s able to trigger a sequence of flashbacks in the patients- one at a time. You’re then able to play the role of the patient- pre- breakdown. With each new flashback that the patient experiences, they begin further back in their lives, so it’s as if you’re walking backwards through their lives- further- each time, only in reverse. It’s pretty darn cool.

It’s rainy throughout the game, and the mood is appropriately somber.
It’s highly entertaining though, especially for a sociology and psychology student. 🙂

One response

  1. You are very beautiful.

    February 25, 2013 at 1:03 am