photographer. artist. author. singer. songwriter. musician. teacher. student. humanitarian. visionary.

Archive for August, 2023


My beautiful Mom & I. ♥️

New Toy

Mom’s & my new toy. $1,700 and some change; we went in half. 😎

God is most definitely good- ALL THE TIME.


It’s All About Jesus

Off to Church! 😎💪🏼

Tea for Two

Vanilla Chai Black Tea with Cardamom, Ginger, Nutmeg, Fresh Cinnamon & Fresh Cracked Black Peppercorns- for heat- and monkfruit.

Mom said it was the best tea she’s ever tasted. 🤗

Things are going remarkably well here at my Mom’s. I’m putting in 12 hour shifts- every day- taking care of Mom and her business affairs, along with my own. It’s both a pleasure and an honour that I don’t take lightly. We both feel like we’re living in a wonderful dream because we have each other every day. It’s truly bliss.

I’m not too far off from beginning my clinical hours as an Addiction Counselor. My dream has finally come true! I’m torn between beginning my clinical hours first, or going ahead and working on my Doctorate of Education in Mental Health Counseling and then obtaining my clinical hours and Indiana and Kentucky state licensures during my doctorate practicum.

Either way, I’m moving ahead with either more academia or Clinical Counseling Practicum. I’ll probably be working in Telehealth at some point in the near future, assisting clients via ZOOM/Conferencing. Time for bed. 😎😎😎


My TRIBE. Love my fellow brothers and sisters in recovery. A more dedicated, honest group of people I do not know.

Love my peeps! 😎

#tribe #posse

She that Diggeth a Pit

24 She that hateth dissembleth with her lips, and layeth up deceit within her;

25 When she speaketh fair, believe her not: for there are seven abominations in her heart.

26 Whose hatred is covered by deceit, her wickedness shall be shewed before the whole congregation.

True Forgiveness

One of the most powerful things to give another person in this world, and yourself, is forgiveness.

Lord knows my good friend, Sandy, and I, had our personal tests in our relationship, but when there’s true forgiveness, there’s nothing left but love.

Sandy & I, 8.20.23.


When they say you don’t exist but they can’t keep their tongue off your back 24/7, around the clock, no days off- to anyone they speak to.

This is called obsession. People who have obsessive personalities are quick to “cut people out of their lives”- I use quotes because that’s the perspective they administer (to all) while incredibly, simultaneously, continue tearing you down vehemently- nonstop- for YEARS, year after year.

If he or she truly cut said person out of their life, they would be silent as the grave when it comes to you.

These are the telltale signs of an obsessive personality; the individual becomes consumed with the person they profess to cut out of their lives.

They say one thing with their mouths, yet their very words tell the true tale.

What is this type of obsession?

It is hatred. Control. Revenge. Obsession.

If you are dealing with someone who is hatefully obsessed with you, the best thing you can do (for your own health and sanity) is to completely ignore them. They’re truly not worthy of taking up space in your head, so don’t do them any favours.

Hope this helps some of you out there! It surely has helped me, as I’ve dealt with two individuals who are collectively obsessed with me- consumed with me- simply cannot stop talking about me, and probably never will. Yet, I have tremendous peace and joy in my life because I choose to focus my personal lenses on peace, not chaos.

If you too are in a similar situation, know that you’re worth that peace, joy, and love, and that you’re not defined by their words or thoughts, nor are you defined by your past.

You get to decide who you are. Not them.




You know who you are.


Downtown Jeffersonville, Indiana

iPhone SE


Emotional Stability in Recovery



Sunday Afternoon ♥️

Beauty Secret: Jesus Lotion

Prayers for my Mother

Hey guys, as many of you know by now, I’m living with my elderly Mom in her golden years, as her full-time caregiver; I put in 12 hours per day, regularly. She’s discovered that she has a partial collapsed lung as a result of taking a nasty fall that culminated in a punctured lung (before the collapse) and major bruising all along her left rib cage on the side. We only discovered these things after I collected her Medical Records from the hospital several days ago- they literally told her (or me- her Medical POA) nothing, at all.

Now she’s discovered (according to her records) that she also had a dissapating blood clot in her calf- not good! In layman’s terms, that simply means, it’s a potentially fatal condition in which the blood clot starts breaking down (and apart) which could then progress into what is known as an embolus- a traveling blood clot that could strike her heart or brain- killing her almost instantly. Aaaaand she has pneumonia.

So things are pretty serious. I’m asking all of my Prayer Warriors to please say some special prayers for my Mom, please and thank you!

Love you guys. ♥️💝♥️🤜🤛



My personal review is listed first:


-End Reviews of Fine Art America-

If you don’t want to take my word for it, take it from theirs above. Sean Broihier is fraudulent at best, and illegally criminalistic at worst.

Once again, If you’d like to purchase art prints from a reputable, accredited (with the BBB) art site, I highly recommend They’re an accredited, professional art gallery spanning the globe with more than fair price points.

Happy shopping!

Sister, I Will Carry You

Created many moons ago, for my older Sister.

Sister, I Will Carry You

Been tried through the fires of hell

Been through worse than this

You don’t know my hell

Sister I will carry you

Despised, beaten, broken in pieces

Still, wouldn’t want to be anyone else

I turn my stones into diamonds

And place them in my raven hair

Triumph over tragedy

Rain over sunshine anyday

You’ve locked me out in every way

I’ll carry you, Sister, anyway

Feet bloodied from the journey

Heavy loads are nothing new

I collect your arrows & build a fort

Sister, I will carry you

Sister, I will carry you

Morning Walk in B & W.

For Gav: I saw this in colour on my morning walk down an alley yesterday, but my brain immediately converted it to black and white & I thought of you. 😉 Hope you like it. xx