photographer. artist. author. singer. songwriter. musician. teacher. student. humanitarian. visionary.

The New Do


Joining the “letting my white hair grow out entirely” movement. Haven’t shaved my legs in over 20 years (yeah I did just say that, ’cause I’m a badass like that) so I figure I’d add another arrow in my quiver. Turning 53 has its rewards! You just don’t give a flying leap who thinks what about you and that’s freedom.

The new $200 Do

Well I have to say, I’m not hating the hair.


I was feeling a little woozy when I got to Kelly Ann’s place. She ran my Visa before we started (naturally, I tipped her $20 + ) and told me that it was going to be a process. My hair was so damaged, we were going to have to strip the colour down and then recolour it 3 different times. It took a total of 5 hours. The wooziness increased throughout the evening and several times I caught myself microsleeping under the heat lamp. When I got home, I snapped a few “after” shots (for Kelly Ann) then ran to the bathroom. Full projectile vomit. I was able to go and lie down, and thankfully, Josh nursed me back to health.

Two days later- it’s still kicking my butt- whatever it was- and I feel like there are needles sticking in every joint I have. It’s not the flu- I’m not even “sick”, as in, a virus or anything. Whatever is going on in my body right now is definitely systemic and attacking my nerves and bones. The pain is excruciating, and it hurts to even walk. My feet feel like they’ve been beaten for hours.

On the bright side of things, my Nutrition final is due tomorrow and then I’ll need to do one more Substance Abuse Treatment Centers assignment and then I’ll be out of school for the semester!

Back to bed.