photographer. artist. author. singer. songwriter. musician. teacher. student. humanitarian. visionary.


53 Going on 30

My Dad told me when I was just a little girl to never wear makeup. I’m so glad I listened. This one’s for you, Pops. ♥️

30 (+ 5) Day Chip



I wish I could write about allllll of the changes that I’ve gone through recently, but I respect my bestie too much, and it’s highly personal, so I’m leaving this dandelion pic here that I took today instead. 😎 Spring has SPRUNG. iPhone SE.

Gas Station Art


Rocking the Migraine

Day 6 of this beast. I. Am. Exhausted.

The Pain Train Rides Again

Helllllo migraine. Again. Thankfully my ‘graines are mostly only hormonal now, so they seldom pay a visit, but when they do, they make a smashing entrance. “Hey Seri, cancel life today.” 🥴🤕😵

Ramblin’ Man

Josh, in front of his homemade gypsy wagon. 1.12.23. iPhone. SE.


Shoopie Doop sits on Josh’s bike. 1.11.23. iPhone SE/SWRLY


kinda loving this APP: SWRLY CAM. Not bad for $4.99 😉


iPhone SE. 2.5.23.


Doey; the matriarch. iPhone SE. 1.3.23.

Twilight Zone

Early morning rain. 1.3.23. iPhoneSE.


#monochromejunkie ♥️ iPhoneSE. 1.2.23.

First of 2023

The fireworks are dying down; it’s officially 2023 and it’s just you and me, camera…😁

#self #tintype #iphonese

Last of the Mohicans


Kinda digging the new glasses.

So long 2022! (And good riddance!)


Another year gone! Happy New Year world. 🫀

And happy 11 year anniversary to my blog!


Busted water pipe repaired and the water’s running again. Thought that was worth a smile if anything is. Merry Christmas to anyone who finds him/her/themselves at this dusty corner of the web! 🫀





First Glass

53 and my first pair of glasses. 🤓