photographer. artist. author. singer. songwriter. musician. teacher. student. humanitarian. visionary.

Posts tagged “art


So grateful for my new house! And my new life. 😎

God Speaks

Taken today- after an incredible day with God. ❤️

Selfie Time

Spring has SPRUNG. 🌻

Another Great Day at the Office


I absolutely love being an Addiction Counselor AND an advocate for positive mental health.

About last night:

Kaiju’s bar with Japanese food/iPhone 15 Plus

Louisville, Kentucky

It sounded so glamorous to both Josh I to go out and have a few drinks at Kaiju’s, but neither one of us were vibing. It was sort of meh, when put into practice, so we had one drink each and went home to our digital devices. 😅

Got a cool ass shot out of the deal though.

Sick Day

I’ve been sick for two weeks now. Went to two different hospitals: Bronchitis & The flu (A). My chest is still pretty congested, despite the Dayquil & breathing treatment. I went back to work 4 days ago (because I had to), but I’m still pretty sick. Spending the day watching True Crime (Charles Starkweather & Caril Fugate’s killing spree in the ’50’s.)

Nothing new to report. My job is going great, life is great, all is well. Can’t complain. 😎

Office Selfie 374,000.

Another day down. 😎

New Steel

Somebody might’ve just gotten her eyebrows pierced. 😎


Loving this new iPhone 15 +. (And all of my mobile digital editors, of course.)

I’ve got a full day at work today! I have 3 Psychosocials to complete with 3 different clients then a 2 hour group therapy session with all of the clients. I spent $45 on various chocolates (truffles), Starburst, Dum Dum suckers, Trident Bubble Gum flavoured gum, and Reisen chocolates for my clients today. We like to have fun on Saturdays. 😁 We have an hour of Psych/Ed with worksheets, then the last hour is spent with the music on, playing Jenga and sharing candy. I like to bring some fun up into the hizzle! They only get to do that once per week and that’s when I’m there on Saturdays.

Taken out in Henryville, Clark State Forest, 3 days ago.

Living the Dream

About last night…

Almonds wrecked their car, Brian went to jail, I got pulled over, and Martin needed to be rescued 50 miles away where he’d been stranded for days without food.

It. Was. A. Night.

In my world, however, it’s truly just another day. I can handle pretty much whatever the world throws at me, AND I keep a good attitude rolling through it all.

Firewalker. <——— me

Just another day in the hood. 😎

In other news, I absolutely am living the dream. I have to pinch myself everyday going into my office, where I see a handful of clients daily. It feels so surreal to passionately want something so badly and work hard in school for so many years, and then it finally pays off: I’m a therapist.

Speaking of which, I get paid in two more days: $1,300 after taxes and insurance (medical, dental, vision). I feel pretty good about my benefits too: 401K, a plush benefits package, PLUS a life insurance policy of almost $100,000 in which I don’t have to pay a penny into to set my kids up with $30,000 each- it just comes with the job automatically and every holiday AND the following day = PTO/ paid time off. I have no complaints!

My dream job- literally. Life is good!

And so is God. He’s the ultimate equalizer.

iPhone SE/Taken Today

Flowers for my Mother



It’s been awhile since I’ve submitted a general update on my life. I’m so used to setting goals and achieving them, I’m almost lost without a packed-down goal sheet.

I have no complaints. Just got hired as a therapist at an addiction treatment center, my kids are thriving and all doing well in their own homes with their own jobs. I’m getting ready to receive my $2,000 sign-on bonus with my first check, so right at $3,300 to $3,500. Not too shabby. 😎

Josh and I are cohabitating, as usual. He’s my best friend. Nobody’s been there for me for so many years (almost 18!). Mom is doing well too. I go see her when I can (which is several times per week) and stay the night with her on Saturdays so I can go to Church with her on Sunday mornings, then I’ll go to my church on Sunday nights. God is so faithful with His blessings!

We’ll stay here at the mobile home for a bit longer, but soon, we’ll be able to get a nice 2 to 3 BR house and I cannot WAIT. I definitely want my own home office.

It’s 9:06 pm and 5:30 am comes early! I like to wake up early enough to have my time with the Lord (prayer/anoint myself/Word/Bible) as well as get a bit of work done before heading to the office.

Until next time. 😎

New Life

Turns out I love being a Therapist!

Just as I always knew I would. 😎

Taken today, on the way home from work…

Winter Come

[Taken today. iPhone SE]

Selfie Time X AI

It’s amazing what artificial intelligence (AI) can do these days.

Couple of selfies I took earlier; mixed with some AI for good measure. 😎

You & Me


Somebody’s Working on Her Resume

Soooo excited!

After 10.5 long years in school, and a 3 year sabbatical, I’ve finally created my first official Substance Abuse Counselor resume.



[sample from part of my resume]

Fingers crossed!

Correction: Birthday #54

What I meant to say was, thanks for my awesome birthday presents, Josh. 😁

The badass nose rings that I wanted. 😎


In The Rooms APP

-Author Unknown

Celebrating 5 months clean; to the day. I feel incredible.

Victory’s Contagious

Thank you, Lorde. 😎

Feeling strong as a mofo these days.
