photographer. artist. author. singer. songwriter. musician. teacher. student. humanitarian. visionary.

Yod Hay Vah Hay

Somebody got her first tattoo. 😎 Even my Mother loves it!

In ancient Hebrew, the words Yod Hay Vah Hay represent the Lord’s Secret Name; from the Old Testament. It represents four different classes of love, and is as follows:

Yod = Forgiving Love

Hay = Forgetting Love

Vah = Blameless Love

Hay = Sharing Love

I was absolutely ecstatic to get this very sacred tattoo on my right wrist; and when I saw it, I loved it.

Exceeeeept I noticed that he’d accidentally tattooed the first HAY backwards. I was crushed. I asked God why He’d allowed me to get His Secret Name tattooed on my wrist if it was just going to be messed up?!

He answered: “You’ve forgiven the ones who’ve hurt you the most, but have you FORGOTTEN their crimes against you?”

And then I legit almost fell onto the floor. It was then that I realized true forgiveness = forgetting! To never recall the awful things that others have done to me.

And then I was actually glad that the first HAY (Forgetting Love) was backwards, as I indeed had been backwards in my own forgiveness of others.

Cool story, no? God is so cool in the way He works! He works through situations & people.

Without further adieu, I give you my new tat: Yod Hay Vah Hay- chained about my wrist. (And I got my nose pierced too. 😎)