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Posts tagged “Mother

My Beautiful Mother


Taken 3/13/24 💕

Prayers for my Mother

Hey guys, as many of you know by now, I’m living with my elderly Mom in her golden years, as her full-time caregiver; I put in 12 hours per day, regularly. She’s discovered that she has a partial collapsed lung as a result of taking a nasty fall that culminated in a punctured lung (before the collapse) and major bruising all along her left rib cage on the side. We only discovered these things after I collected her Medical Records from the hospital several days ago- they literally told her (or me- her Medical POA) nothing, at all.

Now she’s discovered (according to her records) that she also had a dissapating blood clot in her calf- not good! In layman’s terms, that simply means, it’s a potentially fatal condition in which the blood clot starts breaking down (and apart) which could then progress into what is known as an embolus- a traveling blood clot that could strike her heart or brain- killing her almost instantly. Aaaaand she has pneumonia.

So things are pretty serious. I’m asking all of my Prayer Warriors to please say some special prayers for my Mom, please and thank you!

Love you guys. ♥️💝♥️🤜🤛