photographer. artist. author. singer. songwriter. musician. teacher. student. humanitarian. visionary.

Fall Schedule

SummerFALLHelios film lens 44-2/Canon Rebel f/8/manual- taken on back deck- 8.4.14

I’ve officially made the switch from Vincennes University over to Indiana University East. My admissions counselour, Cherie, helped me register for my classes, which are:

1) Research Methods for Experimental Psychology
2) Cross Cultural Communications
3) Statistical Techniques (post-pre Calculus math course)
4) Everyday Psychology
5) Ethics

That’s a healthy 15 credit hour schedule- no small potatoes. (The most I’ve ever taken in one semester were 21 credit hours- 6 classes- and apart from one class, received 5 A’s, so I think I can swing this.)

As much as I’d love to stay at VU and explore CSI/Forensics and as much as I’d love to entertain the possibility of a future in DNA & Serology, my calling is clearly in the area of working with people on the street at the street level. Sure, a cushy office (with AC in the summer) would be great and everything- degrees hanging on the wall- but I’m driven by my desire to work with people who are drug addicts, homeless, troubled, hopeless- society’s throwaways, and those who suffer from a myriad of emotional/psychological disorders. That much I know.

A few years ago, I dropped out of school entirely, due to severe migraines that plagued me weekly. My Pastor encouraged me to return to school- if at all possible- which I was miraculously able to do. At the time, I owed the school more than $1,000, due to having to drop out. In short, I was screwed. But I was so encouraged by her letter, I called the school and asked if anything could be done to help me. I faxed in a few medical documents, proving that I’d had physical complications and the school wiped out the entire debt. (This is why I say that my return was nothing short of a miracle. This just doesn’t happen in the academic world!) She (my Pastor) suggested that I get out of Business Administration and explore other areas that would better utilize my talents, such as working with others. Had it not been for her urging, I would have never returned, so that’s always in the back of my mind. I push on for others and not just myself.

School begins in approximately 3 weeks and I couldn’t be more excited! I’m hoping to take a year off to work on my music, but I’m not sure if that will be before or after I receive my bachelor’s in Psychology.

In the meantime, I’m going to keep myself occupied by surprising my Mom’s friend with a photo book that I’m calling “Whispers from the Garden”. Her friend’s husband passed away several years ago and they shared an amazing garden behind their house. I shot some pics there last winter and will be compiling the book from my collection of pics taken of their winter garden.

Supper calls! Until next time.

Birdhouse from the garden


10 responses

  1. love the leaf.

    August 4, 2014 at 10:26 pm

  2. Really love that leaf shot! God bless you this coming semester!

    August 5, 2014 at 10:13 am

  3. Marvelous photo.. Really poignant, it made me think of time going, aging by and past.
    Best wishes, Aquileana 😀

    August 5, 2014 at 6:23 pm

    • Hey, thanks, Aquileana. :0) I appreciate you stopping by.

      August 5, 2014 at 7:32 pm

  4. Yay! I know you are going to kick all kinds of butt with psychology. I’m really excited for you!! P.S. Is the bottom photo a birdhouse someone made? It’s gorgeous.

    August 5, 2014 at 7:53 pm

    • Thanks, Amy! I echo that for you- you’d be amazing in the field. Have you considered moving in that direction? You have first hand experience of what other’s needs are in those areas- you’d be a great asset.

      I don’t know much about the birdhouse. I was out taking a winter stroll through the garden (with my camera, as usual) and found it poking through the brush. I was pretty captivated by it. :0)

      August 5, 2014 at 8:08 pm

  5. this is such an exciting time for you! I start my postgrad in psychology in September and I’ve a few different areas in mind too, I know I have to do an MA when I finish but not sure what area – I’m very interested in ABA and working with kids, but also in working with kids in residential homes, not sure yet. Either way, I want to help young people who are struggling so that when they’re older, they don’t have to carry that with them when also trying to deal with adult life. I’m like you, I want to be at the front line 🙂

    You’ve done amazing to get back to it. I’ve had so many times recently where I’ve thought I’d have to pull from my course due to fees – but I can’t think like that, I HAVE to do everything I can to start in Sept. Fingers crossed 🙂 We can discuss stats together haha.

    August 17, 2014 at 5:37 am

    • Absolutely- hang in there. The bad times are only bad “at the moment”. The sting is gone afterwards and only memories remain, so we have to always remember to keep plodding through no matter what. And good for you. :0) I still have to do the dirty work…heheh. And Statistics scares the crap out of me- pre-Calc. almost killed me!

      But hey, we’re here. 😉 Keep me posted on how you’re doing! I had considered School Psychology (but have heard some real horror stories there) and I’ve also considered Forensic Psychology because I love criminology. No idea which area I’ll end up in- probably specializing in OCD and PTSD. School starts in just over a week. We made it through the summer. 😉

      August 17, 2014 at 8:45 pm